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in the farm和on the farm的区别

来源:互联网 时间:2022-06-24 阅读:0
in the farm和on the farm的区别在于表示的位置不同。on the farm意思是在农场上,on the farm指的是在有明确坐标地点的农场中,in the farm意思是在农场里,in the farm指得是在平面上的农场,视觉是由远及近。

in the farm和on the farm的区别

in the farm举例:1、I feed everyone in the farm.我饲养农场里面的每一个动物。2、The problem is that the new generation do not want to be or work in the farm anymore.现在的问题是:中国的年轻人都不愿意在农场里干活儿了。3、They spent a day and night in the farm of a very poor family.他们在一户非常贫穷人家的农场里住了一天一夜。

in the farm和on the farm的区别

on the farm举例:1、He has twenty head of cattle on the farm.他在农场养了20头牛。2、They worked on the farm,tapping rubber trees.他们在这农场做割胶的工作。3、We have some chicken on the farm.我们在农场养了一些鸡。

